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Giggling Squid

Website Production & Digital Brand Refresh

  • Digital Brand Refresh
  • Web Design & Development
  • Hosting, Maintenance & Optimisations
Giggling Squid Homepage


Giggling Squid are an award-winning chain of Thai restaurants with around 45 UK locations.

What & Why?

Giggling Squid approached us to redesign & develop their website to give their established brand a completely fresh digital look. Working with an existing colour scheme and some beautiful illustrations, we produced a new digital framework.

The site was built from the ground up and chose to retain WordPress CMS to ensure content is easily editable by the client. To add security and performance, we heavily modified the standard setup and created a headless CMS that allows for high volume monthly traffic.


Key Features

We've packed the website with features to improve user experience, performance and business optimisations.

  • Simple, yet effective design & user experience.
  • Bespoke ResDiary booking system & tracking.
  • Airship CRM integration
  • Anchored key action buttons (e.g. Booking, Order, etc.) for desktop and mobile.
  • Advanced user journeys that also minimise repetitive tasks by the system understanding the users preferred restaurant location.
  • Multi-tier pricing menu system with TenKites integration
  • Advanced location lookup and filtering systems.
  • Advanced user tracking using various tools.
  • Easy to use custom WordPress CMS with Guttenberg blocks.
  • Subtle animation and micro-animations to give the website depth.
  • Realtime Restaurant Open/Closed updates.
  • Branded cookie notice
  • Well performing SEO and working on enhancing performance of special event strategies (e.g. Christmas, Mother’s Day, etc.)
  • Advanced security and hosting setup (headless CMS) to cater for high volumes, traffic spikes, etc.
  • High impact video or subtle motion image heros

Page Design

As with most good website experiences, we kept things simple and let the content do the work.


A number of deep integrations with third-party systems were required to add functionality like reservations, a CRM, and advanced food & drink menu systems.

Want to know more?​

If you'd like to learn more about this project or would like to discuss another, please get in touch.​

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